
Nike Shoes Wholesale : How to Tie the Windsor Necktie Knots Exj

3. Adjust the tie is in the neck, in order to close a small 5-9 inches long, to give more couples at the end of the foot.

6. Attach the safety level of large end of their eyes.

2. Put on your body and neck with the seam side of the clean side of the screen. To his right, and left end of the small end big.

10. The results at the end of major facilities from right to left to go. He left the end hanging down.

Hey! My name is Matt and I as the contact. Many. I write this article, share the enthusiasm tie,Nike Shoes Wholesale, teach people how to tie. You need a bond, according to my instructions along, so please go a grip! Well, let's start with the half Windsor knot:

2. Place around your neck body with side seam so that the clean side of the screen. To his right, and left end of the small end big.

5. Hanging with the right hand to take more now, and through him with the neck and the point where you press the difference. Now at the end of us hanging in the past, to complete.

11. Run down, you create a package large end in tie.

11. Now is the time and the difference between your neck and tie through the knot.

8. The large end to the level of the eyes.

6. Behind the tie about him (and his hand is a hard knot), moving from left to right. Great end to the current in the smaller end of the right.

7. Attach the safety level of large end of their eyes.

1. Choose a gorgeous tie. Click OK. Are you ready?

3. The adjustment is in the neck tie to the end of a short length of 8-12 inches for greater end a couple of feet long.

13. Finally, strap down the final of the tie, knot, held in place and then pull the tie, while your other hand to help end a little knot head down to her neck.

5. Now the right hand hanging to take the larger end,Cheap Jordans, the back end of a small package,Wholesale Nike Shoes, from left to right to go. Great end to the power at the smaller end of the right.

4. For above and in the lower left-size smaller. Pinch the two ends of that place of intersection with the left hand.

Windsor tie knot how to tie all:

12. Finally, strap down the final of the tie, knot, held in place, then pull the tie, while your other hand to help end a little knot head down to her neck.

8. And runs great end to the gap between your neck and the point, he was first. Stop hanging in the far right.

Congratulations! It has now tied the half, the full Windsor! To take pictures and videos visit tiepedia.com


7. And runs great end to the gap between your neck and the point, he was first.

4. For above and in the lower left-size smaller. Pinch the two ends of that place of intersection with the left hand.

9. The large end to the eye level.

10. Now is the time and the difference between your neck and the point, he was first.

12. Run down, you create a package in the tie grand final.

1. Choose a gorgeous tie. Do not skip this step!

9. The results at the end of major facilities from right to left to go. He left the end hanging down.

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